MTF Top Surgery

MTF Top Surgery

For transgender women, achieving a chest that aligns with their internal femininity is a crucial step in their journey towards self-fulfillment. MTF top surgery, also known as chest augmentation for transgender women or feminizing chest surgery, offers a path to reclaim their womanhood and embrace their authentic selves.

Understanding MTF Top Surgery

This gender-affirming procedure aims to create a chest that reflects a female aesthetic. It can encompass various techniques, including:

  • Chest Augmentation: Placement of breast implants to achieve desired size and shape.
  • Nipple Creation or Repositioning: Creating or reshaping nipples for a natural look.
  • Chest Contouring: Sculpting the chest wall for a feminine look.

MTF top surgery holds immense significance for transgender women experiencing gender dysphoria, a have a disconnect between their assigned sex at birth and their internal gender identity. This surgery provides a powerful tool to alleviate dysphoria by aligning their physical form with their true self.

The average cost range for MTF top surgery varies depending on location, surgeon's fees, facility costs, implant choice, and other factors. In general, it falls within the range of $6500 - $9500.

The healing process varies for each individual, but typically takes several weeks. Light activity can resume after a few days, while strenuous exercise should be avoided for several weeks. Full recovery, including regaining full range of motion and nipple sensation, may take 2-3 months.

Potential risks associated with MTF top surgery include bleeding, infection, capsular contracture (scar tissue hardening around the implant), implant rupture, malposition, changes in nipple/areola sensitivity, and scarring.

The surgery itself typically lasts 1-3 hours, depending on the complexity of the procedure and the chosen technique.

MTF individuals do not naturally develop breasts. Breast growth occurs in females during puberty due to hormonal changes. MTF individuals achieve breast tissue through hormone therapy and or breast augmentation surgery.

There is no definitive statistic on the percentage of MTF individuals who undergo bottom surgery. It is a personal decision based on individual desires and goals.

MTF bottom surgery involves various techniques to create a more feminine appearing genitals. The specific outcome varies depending on the chosen procedure and individual anatomy.

There is no single "average" breast size for MTF individuals. Desired breast size is a personal preference and is discussed with the surgeon during consultations to achieve the most natural and comfortable outcome.

Submuscular placement: Implants are placed beneath the chest muscle, offering a more natural look and feel, especially for larger implants. Sub-glandular placement: Implants are placed above the chest muscle, offering a faster recovery and potentially better suited for smaller chests.

Some degree of scarring is inevitable. The type and visibility depend on the incision technique used. Inframammary fold incisions often result in less noticeable scars, while periareolar incisions may leave more visible scars around the nipple. Scar minimization techniques like silicone gel sheets and massage can help improve scar appearance over time.

See our work

Advantages of Getting the Service Completed with Dr. Ashu Garg

Expertise in Varied Disciplines

Dr. Garg's wide-ranging experience across different surgical disciplines enables him to provide a comprehensive approach to MTF top surgery, ensuring optimal outcomes.

Innovative Techniques

Leveraging the art of liposculpture with the latest cosmetic techniques, Dr. Garg offers transformative results, enhancing not just the physical appearance but also the psychological well-being of his patients.

Comprehensive Care

Dr. Garg's approach extends beyond the operating room. His thorough pre-operative and post-operative assessments and expertise in scar healing and wound management ensure the best cosmetic outcomes and a smoother recovery process.

About Our Clinic

MTF Surgery with Dr Ashu Garg

Dr. Ashu Garg, a distinguished MTF surgeon with a laudable history of clinical excellence, is recognized as one of the best MTF top surgeons in the field. Earning his medical degree from a prestigious Indian Medical School and honing his skills at esteemed institutions such as the Tata Memorial Cancer Center and Harvard University’s Massachusetts General Hospital, Dr. Garg brings a rich tapestry of knowledge, skill, and passion to the table.

His training, encompassing varied disciplines from Cosmetic Surgery to Vascular Surgery and Interventional Radiology, has uniquely positioned him as a surgeon for MTF’s top surgery. His innovative approach fuses the art of liposculpture with the latest cosmetic techniques to ensure optimal outcomes. His expertise in scar healing and wound management and careful pre and post-operative assessments guarantee the best cosmetic results for his patients.

Dr. Ashu Garg’s commitment to providing holistic, personalized care to his patients has garnered respect and recognition among his peers and patients. As an active member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery and the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), Dr. Garg exemplifies the dedication and empathy necessary in this intricate field of medicine.

Achieving Congruence and Enhanced Well-being

Undergoing MTF top surgery can lead to:

  • Increased Gender Euphoria: A profound sense of joy and alignment with one's authentic self.
  • Reduced Chest Dysphoria: Significant decrease in distress associated with the incongruence between physical appearance and gender identity.
  • Improved Self-Confidence and Body Image: Greater comfort and acceptance of one's body, leading to enhanced self-esteem.
  • Freedom of Expression: The ability to wear clothing that reflects one's gender identity without restriction.

MTF's top surgery empowers transgender women to reclaim their femininity and live a life that aligns with their true selves. It is a transformative journey towards self-acceptance and fulfillment, allowing them to embrace their authentic womanhood.

Candidacy Criteria: Am I a Candidate for MTF Top Surgery?

MTF top surgery is a life-changing experience for many transgender women, but it's crucial to ensure you are a suitable candidate before proceeding. Here are some key factors to consider:

Age and General Health

  • Minimum age: Most surgeons require patients to be at least 18 years old for MTF top surgery.
  • Overall health: Good general health with no uncontrolled medical conditions is essential for a safe and successful surgery.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

  • Duration of Hormone Replacement Therapy: Being on hormone replacement therapy for a minimum period, often a year or more, is typically required. Hormone Replacement Therapy promotes breast tissue development, which can influence implant placement and overall results.

Psychological Evaluation and Readiness Assessment

  • Gender dysphoria diagnosis: A diagnosis of persistent gender dysphoria by a qualified mental health professional is necessary.
  • Psychological readiness: The surgery involves significant physical and emotional changes. A thorough evaluation ensures you are mentally prepared for the journey.

Setting Realistic Expectations

  • Breast size and shape: Understanding that achieving a specific breast size or shape may not always be possible is crucial. Open communication with your surgeon about your expectations is vital.
  • Outcomes and potential complications: Discussing potential risks and complications associated with the surgery allows for informed decision-making.
  • Clear communication: Openly discussing your goals, expectations, and any concerns with your surgeon is essential for a successful outcome.
  • Individualized approach: Every patient's journey is unique. Your surgeon will tailor the procedure and recovery plan to your specific needs.
  • Non-binary individuals: Many surgeons offer chest contouring procedures for non-binary individuals seeking a more gender-neutral chest appearance, or a customized approach to achieve a desired outcome.
  • Pre-existing medical conditions: Disclosing any pre-existing medical conditions allows your surgeon to assess potential risks and ensure safe surgery.

Remember, a thorough consultation with a qualified and experienced MTF top surgery surgeon is essential to determine your candidacy and ensure a positive experience.

MTF Top Surgery Options with Implants

For transgender women, MTF top surgery offers a transformative path towards achieving a chest that aligns with their internal femininity. Choosing the right implant type and placement technique is crucial for achieving the desired breast shape and aesthetic outcome. This guide delves into the intricate details of the procedure, empowering you to make informed decisions for a personalized outcome.

Implant Options: Choosing the Right Fit

Two primary implant types exist, each with unique characteristics:

  • Saline Implants:
    • Filled with sterile saltwater solution, offering a more natural feel and easier detection in case of leaks.
    • May not feel slightly firmer than silicone implants.
    • Generally considered a safer option for individuals with certain health conditions.
  • Silicone Implants:
    • Filled with silicone gel, providing a softer, more natural appearance and feel.
    • May offer a wider range of shapes and sizes compared to saline implants.
    • Concerns exist regarding the long-term safety of silicone gel leaking, although modern implants are FDA approved and designed to minimize this risk.

Beyond the basic composition, we explore the nuances of each implant type:

  • Feel: Silicone implants offer a softer, and a more natural feel as compared to saline implants.
  • Benefits: Saline implants offer easier detection of leaks, while silicone implants provide a wider range of shape options and a more natural appearance and feel.
  • Durability: Both types are designed for long-term durability, but silicone implants may offer slightly better tear resistance.

Implant Size and Placement

Several factors influence implant selection, ensuring a harmonious fit with your body:

  • Chest Wall Size: The size and shape of your chest wall determines the maximum implant size achievable.
  • Desired Projection: This refers to the fullness and shape of the breasts, impacting the implant profile chosen.
  • Individual Anatomy: Your unique body structure, including nipple placement and skin elasticity, plays a crucial role in implant selection and placement.

Measurement Techniques

Accurate implant sizing is essential for a natural outcome. Common methods include:

  • Chest Wall Measurements: Precise measurements of your chest wall determine the maximum implant size that can be safely accommodated.
  • 3D Imaging: Advanced imaging techniques like CT scans or 3D modeling can provide a detailed picture of your chest anatomy, aiding in implant selection.

Surface Texture Options

Implant surface texture can impact both feel and the risk of capsular contracture (scar tissue formation around the implant):

  • Smooth Implants: Offer a more natural feel but may have a slightly higher risk of capsular contracture.
  • Textured Implants: May reduce the risk of capsular contracture but may feel slightly different compared to smooth implants. The risks and complications associated with textured implants are slightly different than smooth implants. You should discuss it with your surgeon.

Implant Placement Techniques

Two primary implant placement techniques offer distinct advantages:

  • Submuscular Placement:
    • Implants are placed beneath the chest muscle, creating a more natural look and feel, especially for larger implants.
    • May require a longer recovery period compared to sub glandular placement.
  • Sub glandular Placement:
    • Implants are placed above the chest muscle, offering a faster recovery time and potentially better suited for smaller chests.
    • May result in a slightly less natural appearance compared to submuscular placement.

Nipple and Areola Grafting

For a truly natural-looking chest, sometimes nipple and areola grafting or reconstruction is required to enhance the overall aesthetic outcome.

While not essential for every individual, additional procedures like nipple inversion correction or fat grafting can further refine the chest contour:

  • Nipple Inversion Correction: This procedure addresses inverted nipples, creating a more natural appearance.
  • Fat Grafting: Fat can be harvested from other areas of the body and injected into the breasts for additional contouring and a fuller look.


MTF Top Surgery: Choosing the Right Procedure with Dr. Garg

MTF top surgery with implants offers a path towards achieving a chest that aligns with your gender identity. Dr. Garg, a highly qualified and experienced surgeon, can guide you through this transformative journey, ensuring a personalized outcome tailored to your unique needs and goals.

Importance of Consultation with Dr. Garg

A thorough consultation with Dr. Garg is crucial for a successful surgery. During the meeting, you will:

  • Discuss your goals, expectations, and desired aesthetic outcome: Dr. Garg will listen attentively to your vision for your chest shape and overall aesthetic goals.
  • Understand your medical history and undergo a physical examination: Dr. Garg will review your medical history and conduct a physical examination to assess your chest wall anatomy and overall health.
  • Explore different implant options and placement techniques based on your anatomy: He will discuss the various implant types (saline vs. silicone), surface textures (smooth vs. textured), and placement techniques (submuscular vs. sub glandular) based on your unique anatomy and desired outcome.
  • Estrogen Therapy: It is crucial to discuss the discontinuation of estrogen therapy at least 4 weeks prior to the surgery to avoid unexpected bleeding. You should discuss it with your surgeon.

Factors Influencing Your Surgical Choice

Several factors will influence your surgical choice in collaboration with Dr. Garg:

  • Desired breast size and shape: Dr. Garg will help you determine the ideal implant size and profile to achieve your desired breast fullness and shape.
  • Chest wall anatomy (tissue thickness, skin elasticity): Your chest wall structure plays a crucial role in implant selection and placement technique. Dr. Garg will assess these factors to ensure the best possible outcome.
  • Personal preference regarding implant feel and texture (if applicable): If you prefer a specific implant feel or texture (smooth vs. textured), Dr. Garg will discuss the options available and their potential impact.

Dr. Garg is a highly skilled and compassionate surgeon who prioritizes patient safety and satisfaction. He possesses extensive experience in MTF top surgery and utilizes the latest techniques to achieve natural-looking and long-lasting results.

Preparing for MTF Top Surgery

MTF top surgery is a life-changing experience, and thorough preparation ensures a smooth and successful journey. Here's what you need to know:

Pre-operative Instructions and Requirements

  • Cessation of Certain Medications, Supplements, and Substances: Your surgeon will provide a detailed list of medications, supplements, and substances to avoid leading up to surgery. This often includes estrogen therapy, blood thinners, certain herbal supplements, and nicotine products.
  • Lifestyle Adjustments:
    • Diet: Maintaining a balanced diet rich in protein will support healing.
    • Exercise: Regular exercise, excluding strenuous activities, can improve circulation and overall health.
    • Smoking Cessation: Smoking significantly hinders healing and increases complication risks. Quitting well in advance is crucial.

Mental and Emotional Preparation

  • Managing Expectations and Addressing Concerns: It's normal to experience a range of emotions. Discussing your expectations with your surgeon and support system can help manage them.
  • Importance of a Strong Support System: Surround yourself with supportive individuals who understand your journey and can offer emotional and practical assistance.

Remember, thorough preparation is vital for a positive MTF top surgery experience. By following your surgeon's instructions, prioritizing healthy habits, and building a strong support system, you can approach this transformative journey with confidence and peace of mind.

MTF Top Surgery: Understanding Risks & Complications

While MTF top surgery is generally a safe and successful procedure, it's crucial to be aware of potential risks and complications:

Bleeding and Hematoma Formation

  • Excessive bleeding during or after surgery can occur, leading to the formation of a hematoma (blood clot) in the chest area. This may require drainage or additional surgery. However, meticulous surgical technique and discontinuation of certain medications such as estrogen help in avoidance of such events.

Infection Risks and Prevention Measures

  • As with any surgery, there's a risk of infection. Your surgeon will prescribe antibiotics and provide detailed post-operative instructions to minimize this risk.

Capsular Contracture (Implant Hardening)

  • Scar tissue can form around the implant, causing it to harden and feel less natural. This may require a revision surgery to address the capsule and potentially replace the implant.

Implant Rupture, Malposition, or Rippling

  • While rare, implant rupture can occur, requiring immediate replacement. Implant malposition or rippling can also happen, potentially necessitating revision surgery for correction.

Changes in Nipple/Areola Sensitivity or Appearance

  • Nipple sensation may be reduced or altered after surgery, especially with nipple grafting. In rare cases, nipple loss can occur. Additionally, the appearance of the nipple and areola may differ slightly from the natural look.

Importance of Following Post-operative Instructions Diligently

  • Carefully adhering to your surgeon's post-operative instructions, including wound care, medication adherence, and activity restrictions, is crucial for optimal healing and minimizing the risk of complications.

Strategies to Mitigate Risks and Optimize Outcomes

  • Choosing an experienced and qualified surgeon significantly reduces the risk of complications.
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle before and after surgery, including quitting smoking and maintaining a balanced diet, promotes optimal healing.
  • Open communication with your surgeon throughout the process allows for early identification and management of any potential issues.

MTF Top Surgery Procedure and Recovery

MTF Top Surgery Process

  • Anesthesia Options: General anesthesia is most commonly used for MTF top surgery, ensuring complete relaxation and pain management during the procedure.
  • Incision Creation: The surgeon will make incisions based on the chosen technique:
    • Inframammary Fold Incision: This incision follows the natural crease beneath the breasts, resulting in a less noticeable scar.
    • Trans axillary Incision: This incision allows scarless breast augmentation through a well-hidden incision along natural armpit's crease.
    • Periareolar Incision: This incision, less preferred but occasionally used, circles the nipple, potentially offering better access for nipple reconstruction but with a more visible scar.
  • Implant Placement Technique: The chosen technique will determine the implant placement:
    • Submuscular Placement: Implants are placed beneath the chest muscle, providing a more natural look and feel, especially for larger implants.
    • Sub glandular Placement: Implants are placed above the chest muscle, offering a faster recovery and potentially better suited for smaller chests.
  • Nipple and Areola Reconstruction (if applicable): This procedure involves meticulously recreating the nipple and areola grafting or reconstruction to further enhance the natural appearance.
  • Incision Closure and Dressing Application: The surgeon will carefully close the incisions and apply dressings to protect the surgical sites.


Post-Operative Care and Recovery Timeline:

The healing process after MTF top surgery varies slightly for each individual, but here's a general timeline:

  • Initial Rest and Activity Restrictions:
    • The first few days are crucial for rest and minimal activity to promote healing.
    • Lifting heavy objects, strenuous exercise, and reaching above your head should be avoided.
  • Caring for Surgical Sites and Dressings:
    • Your surgeon will provide detailed instructions on wound care, including cleaning and dressing changes.
    • Maintaining clean and dry surgical sites is essential to prevent infection.
  • Wearing Compression Garments and Bras:
    • Wearing a compression garment or supportive bra helps minimize swelling and promotes proper implant positioning.
  • Scar Management Techniques and Treatments:
    • Following your surgeon's scar management recommendations, including silicone gel sheets or massage, can help minimize scar visibility.
  • Gradual Return to Normal Activities and Exercise:
    • Light activity can be gradually resumed after a few days, but strenuous exercise should be avoided for several weeks.
    • Your surgeon will advise you on a specific timeline for returning to full activity.
  • Importance of Adhering to Surgeon's Post-op Guidelines: Following your surgeon's instructions regarding medication adherence, activity restrictions, and wound care is crucial for optimal healing and minimizing complications.

The healing process takes time and patience. While the initial recovery period may involve some discomfort, adhering to your surgeon's guidance ensures a smooth journey towards your desired outcome.

MTF Top Surgery Results and Expectations:

Following a successful MTF top surgery and full recovery, you can expect:

Long-term Results and Potential Scarring:

  • Natural-looking Chest Shape: With proper implant selection and placement, you can achieve a feminine chest contour that aligns with your desired aesthetic.
  • Scarring: While some degree of scarring is inevitable, the type and visibility depend on the incision technique used.
    • Dr. Garg offers scarless breast augmentation by placing the incisions in armpits, also known as Transaxillary breast augmentation. The incisions are well hidden in the natural crease of the armpits.
    • Inframammary fold incisions often result in less noticeable scars hidden within the natural crease beneath the breasts.
    • Periareolar incisions (less preferred) may leave more visible scars around the nipple.
  • Scar Minimization Options: Techniques like silicone gel sheets and laser treatments can help minimize scar visibility over time.

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle:

  • Healthy Weight Management: Maintaining a stable weight helps prevent excessive stretching of the skin and potential implant distortion.
  • Regular Exercise: Routine physical activity promotes overall health and well-being but avoids strenuous activities that could impact the implants.
  • Sun Protection: Protecting your chest from excessive sun exposure helps prevent scar discoloration.

Follow-up Appointments with Your Surgeon:

  • Scheduled check-ups with your surgeon are crucial for monitoring healing progress, implant integrity, and addressing any potential concerns.

Revision Surgery:

In rare cases, revision surgery might be necessary for various reasons:

  • Capsular Contracture: When scar tissue around the implant hardens and contracts, causing discomfort and potentially altering breast shape.
  • Implant Rupture or Malposition: If the implant ruptures or shifts from its intended position, revision surgery is required for correction.
  • Changes in Desired Outcome: If your desired chest shape or size changes significantly over time, revision surgery may be considered.

Life After MTF Top Surgery:

MTF top surgery marks a significant milestone on a transgender woman's journey towards self-discovery and alignment with her gender identity. Beyond the physical transformation, several positive changes can be expected:

Emotional Impact and Renewed Sense of Confidence:

  • Reduced Gender Dysphoria: Alleviating chest dysphoria, a common source of distress, can lead to a significant improvement in emotional well-being and mental health.
  • Increased Confidence: Feeling comfortable and confident in one's body empowers individuals to express themselves authentically and engage more freely in social and professional spheres.
  • Sense of Liberation: Top surgery can symbolize a sense of liberation from a physical aspect that no longer aligns with one's internal identity.

Boost in Overall Well-being and Quality of Life:

  • Improved Physical Comfort: Reduced chest discomfort, particularly for those who experienced pain or dysphoria related to breast tissue, can significantly enhance physical comfort.
  • Greater Freedom in Clothing Choices: The ability to wear clothing that aligns with one's gender expression without feeling self-conscious can be incredibly liberating.
  • Enhanced Intimacy and Sexual Satisfaction: Top surgery can positively impact intimacy and sexual experiences for those who previously felt dysphoria in these areas.

Ongoing Breast Care, Monitoring, and Professional Support:

  • Regular Check-ups: Maintaining scheduled appointments with your surgeon for monitoring implant integrity, healing progress, and addressing any concerns is crucial.
  • Skin Care and Scar Management: Following proper scar care routines, such as using silicone gel sheets or creams, can help minimize scar visibility over time.
  • Mental Health Support: Therapy or support groups can provide valuable guidance and emotional support throughout the journey.

Positive Effects on Social Life and Professional Spheres:

  • Strengthened Relationships: Feeling more comfortable and confident in social settings can lead to stronger connections with friends, family, and romantic partners.
  • Greater Career Opportunities: Reduced gender dysphoria and increased confidence can empower individuals to pursue career paths they may have previously avoided.
  • Sense of Belonging: Connecting with supportive LGBTQ+ communities and resources can provide a sense of belonging and acceptance.

Life after MTF top surgery brings significant positive physical transformation. The emotional and social changes can be equally profound, leading to a more fulfilling and authentic life.

Before & After Photos:

MTF top surgery offers a transformative experience, and these before and after photos display the remarkable physical changes individuals can achieve. These photos reveal the journey from a chest that doesn't align with one's gender identity to a flat or contoured chest, reflecting a more masculine physique.


Average Cost Range:

The average cost range for MTF top surgery in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills usually falls within $6500 - $9500 USD.

Factors Influencing Costs:

  • Facility Fees: The fees can vary depending on the chosen facility.
  • Anesthesia: General anesthesia is typically used, and its cost can vary.
  • Implant Choice: Saline implants are generally less expensive than silicone implants.
  • Surgeon's Fees: Surgeons with extensive experience, high reputation, and location may affect the cost.
  • Practice Location: Geographical location may affect the cost.

Additional Considerations:

  • Cost Transparency: It's crucial to request a detailed cost breakdown from your chosen surgeon, including all potential fees associated with the procedure. This is especially important in areas like Beverly Hills, known for potentially higher medical costs.
  • Insurance Coverage: While insurance coverage for MTF top surgery varies across the US, some insurance plans may offer coverage. Researching your specific plan and its policies is essential.
  • Financing Options: Exploring financing options like payment plans, medical loans, or crowdfunding can help manage the high costs associated with MTF top surgery.

MTF Top Surgery Consultation: What to Expect

Open Dialogue and Personalized Assessment:

  • Sharing Your Goals and Concerns: This is your opportunity to openly discuss your desired chest shape, size, and any anxieties or apprehensions you may have. Dr. Garg will actively listen to and address your unique needs.
  • Physical Examination: Dr. Garg will carefully examine your chest anatomy, including size, shape, skin quality, and nipple placement. This assessment helps determine the most suitable surgical approach for you.

Dr. Garg will work collaboratively with you to determine the implant type, size, and placement that best aligns with your desired outcome, body proportions, and long-term goals.

Addressing Your Concerns:

Dr. Garg understands the potential anxieties surrounding surgery. He creates a safe space for you to openly discuss any concerns and will address them honestly and compassionately throughout your journey.

Schedule Your FREE Consultation Today:

Take the first step towards achieving your desired chest shape. Schedule your FREE MTF top surgery consultation with Dr. Garg today.
Contact us by calling +1 424-666-1260 or filling out our convenient online form.