Tracheal shave

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Tracheal shave

Tracheal Shave

Understanding Tracheal Shave Surgery

Tracheal shave surgery, also known as chondrolaryngoplasty or Adam's apple reduction, is a surgical procedure designed to reduce the prominence of the Adam's apple in the neck. This procedure is often sought by individuals who desire a smoother neck contour, particularly those seeking a more feminine or androgynous appearance.

What is the Purpose of Tracheal Shave Surgery?

The primary purpose of this surgery is to reduce the prominence of the Adam's apple, a protrusion in the neck that is more pronounced in males due to the larger thyroid cartilage.

  • Create a smoother neck contour: By reshaping the thyroid cartilage, a tracheal shave creates a more feminine or androgynous neck profile, often desired by transgender individuals and some cisgender women.
  • Improve body image and self-confidence: For individuals experiencing gender dysphoria, a prominent Adam's apple can cause discomfort and incongruence with their gender identity.

Open Tracheal Shave: This technique involves making a small incision under the chin or in a natural neck crease to access the thyroid cartilage for shaving and sculpting. Closed Tracheal Shave: This minimally invasive technique utilizes an internal incision made through the mouth, eliminating the need for an external neck incision.

The suitability for a close shave depends on individual anatomy and surgeon preference. Generally, those with minimal thyroid cartilage prominence may be good candidates for this less invasive approach.

Yes, skilled surgeons prioritize preserving the vocal cords during the procedure. While some temporary hoarseness or voice changes may occur initially, normal speech should return within a few weeks.

Like any surgery, it carries some risks, including bleeding, infection, and swelling. However, when performed by an experienced surgeon, the risks are minimal.

The surgery itself is performed under anesthesia, so you won't feel pain during the procedure. Post-operative discomfort is usually manageable with medication.

Yes, both techniques leave scars. However, they are strategically placed and often minimal, especially with the closed technique. Diligent scar care can further minimize their visibility.

Insurance coverage for tracheal shave surgery is often limited. It may be considered an elective or cosmetic procedure, although several insurance plans might offer coverage.

Swelling is a common post-operative experience, typically subsiding within 3-4 weeks. Applying ice packs and keeping your head elevated can help minimize swelling.

Yes, both men and women have a thyroid cartilage, and its prominence can vary between individuals regardless of gender. Tracheal shave surgery can be sought by people of any gender who desire a smoother neck contour.

Most patients can return to light activities within a week, while strenuous exercise might require a longer recovery period. Your surgeon will provide specific guidance based on your individual case.

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Advantages with Dr. Ashu Garg

Unmatched Expertise

Dr. Garg's extensive experience and knowledge in cosmetic and transgender surgeries ensure the highest quality of care and results.

Holistic Approach

Dr. Garg uses a comprehensive approach to patient care, including pre-and post-surgical assessments and follow-ups, ensuring patients feel supported throughout their surgical journey.

Leading Innovation

Dr. Garg stays at the forefront of surgical techniques, combining his deep understanding of modern liposculpture with the latest cosmetic procedures to deliver the best outcomes. His expertise in wound management and scar healing contributes to excellent cosmetic results.

About Our Clinic

Tracheal shave with Dr Ashu Garg

Dr. Ashu Garg, a highly regarded figure in the field of cosmetic and transgender surgeries, has been practicing for over two decades. With a background from India’s prestigious medical schools and rigorous training from well-known institutions in the USA, he is a credible Tracheal shave surgeon. Dr. Garg has a wealth of experience and training in procedures such as Adam’s Apple removal surgery, having honed his surgical skills during his time at various renowned institutions, including Tata Memorial Cancer Center in Mumbai and Massachusetts General Hospital of Harvard University in Boston.

His expertise in trachea shaving surgery is backed by a proven track record of successful outcomes, cementing his position as an Adam’s Apple removal surgeon of repute. As a Diplomat of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery and an active member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery and the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), Dr. Garg upholds the highest standards of surgical practice. 

His relentless pursuit of excellence and commitment to patient care continues to drive his impressive career trajectory.

Benefits of Tracheal Shave Surgery

  • Relief from Gender Dysphoria for Transgender Individuals: For transgender individuals transitioning from male to female, a prominent Adam's apple can be a source of gender dysphoria.
  • Creation of a More Feminine or Androgynous Neck Contour: Beyond gender-specific applications, tracheal shave surgery can also be sought by individuals who simply desire a smoother neck line, regardless of their gender identity.

Tracheal Shave Techniques

Open Tracheal Shave

This traditional approach involves making a small incision in the neck, typically:

  • Under the chin: This incision is often placed near the natural crease where the chin meets the neck, minimizing scarring visibility.
  • In a natural crease: Some surgeons may choose an existing crease in the neck to further conceal the scar.

Explanation of the surgical process:

  1. General anesthesia: The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia, ensuring patient comfort and relaxation.
  2. Incision: The surgeon makes a small incision according to the chosen location.
  3. Exposure and sculpting: The surgeon carefully exposes the thyroid cartilage and sculpts it using specialized instruments to reduce its prominence.
  4. Closure: The incision is meticulously sutured closed, minimizing scarring.

Closed Tracheal Shave

This minimally invasive technique utilizes an endoscope, a thin, flexible tube with a camera, inserted through the mouth.


  • Reduced scarring: No external incisions are needed, potentially resulting in minimal to no visible scarring.
  • Faster recovery: The smaller scope of the procedure may lead to a quicker healing process.


  • Technical complexity: This technique requires specialized skills and equipment.
  • Limited visibility: The surgeon may have less direct visual access to the cartilage compared to the open approach.
  • Not suitable for all patients: Depending on the anatomy and desired outcome, the closed approach may not be feasible for everyone.

Discussing the Right Technique for You

The most suitable surgical approach for you will be determined by several factors.

Candidacy Criteria: Am I a Candidate for Tracheal Shave Surgery?

General Health and Age Requirements

  • Overall Good Health: You should be in good physical health with no underlying medical conditions that could increase surgical risks.
  • Age Requirement: While there is no strict age limit, most surgeons recommend this procedure for individuals who have completed their physical development, typically after 18 years of age.

Realistic Goals and Stable Gender Identity

  • Realistic Expectations: It's essential to have realistic expectations about the outcome. Tracheal shave surgery aims to refine the neck contour but cannot completely eliminate the Adam's apple.
  • Stable Gender Identity: For transgender individuals, a stable gender identity is crucial to ensure long-term satisfaction with the results.

Consultation Process

A comprehensive consultation with Dr. Ashu Garg is vital to determine your candidacy for tracheal shave surgery.

Assessing Skin Elasticity and Neck Anatomy

Skin Elasticity: Good skin elasticity is crucial for achieving optimal results and minimizing the appearance of scars. Neck Anatomy: The size and shape of your thyroid cartilage and surrounding tissues will influence the surgical approach and potential outcomes.

Risk Factors

Certain medical conditions or risk factors may necessitate further evaluation or disqualification from the surgery.

By undergoing a thorough consultation and evaluation, you can determine if tracheal shave surgery is the right choice for you and achieve the desired results with optimal safety and satisfaction.

Preparing for Tracheal Shave Surgery:

Embarking on a tracheal shave journey requires careful preparation to ensure a smooth and successful experience. Here's a comprehensive guide to optimize your pre-operative tracheal shave journey:

Pre-operative Instructions from Your Surgeon:

  • Dr. Ashu Garg will provide detailed instructions specific to your case, including:
  • Medication and Supplement Adjustments: Certain medications, such as blood thinners, may need to be discontinued or adjusted before surgery. Dr. Garg will advise you accordingly.
  • Lifestyle Changes:
    • Smoking Cessation: Smoking cessation is crucial for at least several weeks before and after surgery to promote optimal healing and minimize complications.
    • Dietary Recommendations: Maintaining a healthy diet rich in essential nutrients supports the body's healing process.

Mental and Emotional Readiness:

  • Managing Expectations: Openly discuss your desired outcome with Dr. Garg. While significant improvement is achievable, complete elimination of the Adam's apple prominence is not always possible.
  • Addressing Anxieties: It's natural to experience some anxiety before surgery. Dr. Garg and his team are dedicated to providing emotional support and addressing any concerns you may have.
  • Building a Strong Support System: Surround yourself with supportive loved ones who can offer emotional encouragement throughout the process.

Choosing an Experienced Surgical Team:

  • Experienced Surgeons: Opt for an experienced well-qualified surgeon or otolaryngologist with extensive experience in tracheal shaves. Dr. Ashu Garg, a Diplomat of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, possesses the expertise and qualifications to ensure optimal results.
  • Specialization in Facial Feminization: Choose a surgeon with a proven track record and expertise in facial feminization procedures, including tracheal shaves.

Operating at Accredited Surgical Facilities:

  • Safety and Hygiene: Ensure the chosen surgical facility adheres to the highest standards of safety, hygiene, and sterilization to minimize the risk of complications.

By following these guidelines and partnering with Dr. Ashu Garg and his experienced team at Top Surgery Art, you can approach your tracheal shave surgery with confidence and optimize your journey towards a more aligned and fulfilling appearance.

Tracheal Shave Surgery Procedure and Recovery:

The tracheal shave procedure, also known as chondrolaryngoplasty or Adam's apple reduction, is typically performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. Here's a breakdown of the surgical steps:

1. Anesthesia:

General anesthesia is most commonly used for tracheal shave surgery to ensure patient comfort and minimize movement during the procedure.

2. Incision Location:

The incision location depends on the chosen surgical technique:

  • Open Tracheal Shave: A small incision is made either:
    • Under the chin: This location often coincides with a natural crease to minimize scarring.
    • In a natural neck crease: Some surgeons may choose a specific crease for optimal scar concealment.
  • Closed Tracheal Shave: In this minimally invasive approach, an internal incision is made through the mouth, eliminating the need for an external neck incision.

3. Shaving or Sculpting of the Thyroid Cartilage:

Once access is established, the surgeon carefully sculpts the thyroid cartilage using specialized instruments.

4. Incision Closure and Dressing Application:

Following closure, a pressure dressing may be applied to the area for support and to minimize swelling.


Tracheal Shave Surgery Post-Operative Care and Recovery Timeline:

Following tracheal shave surgery, a dedicated recovery period is crucial for optimal healing and achieving the desired results. Here's a breakdown of what to expect:

Healing Process and Expected Milestones:

  • Initial Rest and Activity Restrictions:
    • First Few Days: Prioritize rest and minimize strenuous activity for the first few days after surgery. This allows your body to focus its energy on healing.
    • Gradual Return to Normal Activities: As you recover, gradually increase your activity level according to your surgeon's instructions.
  • Caring for Surgical Site and Dressings:
    • Incision Care: Keep the incision site clean and dry as instructed by your surgeon. This may involve gentle washing and applying prescribed ointments.
    • Dressing Changes: Follow your surgeon's guidance regarding dressing changes and wound care.
  • Wearing Specialized Compression Garments:
    • Minimizing Swelling: In some cases, your surgeon may recommend wearing a specialized compression garment around the neck to minimize swelling and promote healing.

Scar Management Techniques and Treatments:

  • Preventing Hypertrophic Scarring and Keloid Formation:
    • Silicone Gel Sheets: Applying silicone gel sheets to the scar can help flatten and soften it, reducing the risk of hypertrophic scarring or keloid formation.
    • Massage Techniques: Gentle massage therapy around the scar can improve blood flow and promote healing, potentially minimizing scar visibility.
    • Sunscreen: Protecting the scar from direct sunlight is crucial to prevent darkening and discoloration.

Gradual Return to Normal Activities and Exercises:

  • Resuming Specific Activities: Your surgeon will provide a timeline for resuming specific activities like strenuous exercise, swimming, and contact sports.
  • Importance of Patience: While some improvement may be noticeable immediately, full results may take several weeks as swelling subsides and the healing process completes.

Diligence is Key: Adhering to your surgeon's post-operative instructions is crucial for a smooth recovery and achieving optimal results. This includes:

  • Medications: Taking prescribed medications as directed can help manage pain and prevent infection.
  • Follow-up Appointments: Attending scheduled follow-up appointments with your surgeon allows for monitoring your progress, addressing any concerns, and adjusting the recovery plan as needed.

By following these guidelines and prioritizing proper care, you can optimize your recovery journey and achieve a successful outcome from your tracheal shave surgery.

Understanding Tracheal Shave Potential Risks and Complications:

While tracheal shave surgery is generally considered a safe procedure, it's crucial to be aware of potential risks and complications:

Bleeding, Infection, and Excessive Swelling Risks:

  • Bleeding: Like any surgery, there is a minimal risk of bleeding during or after the procedure. However, this risk is usually low and can be controlled with stitches or pressure.
  • Infection: Although uncommon, incisions near the airway carry a slightly higher infection risk. Following post-operative care instructions and taking prescribed antibiotics can significantly minimize this risk.
  • Excessive Swelling: Significant swelling and bruising are expected after the procedure and typically subside within 3-4 weeks.

Changes or Difficulties with Voice Quality and Speech:

  • Voice Changes: The vocal cords are closely connected to the thyroid cartilage. During the surgery, there is a slight risk of inadvertently affecting this connection, potentially leading to temporary or permanent voice changes like:
  • Hoarseness: This is a common temporary side effect that usually resolves within a few weeks.
  • Muscle Spasm of the Vocal Cords (Laryngospasm): This can cause temporary voice difficulties but is typically treatable.
  • Permanent Voice Changes: In rare cases, excessive cartilage removal can permanently alter voice quality. This highlights the importance of choosing an experienced and skilled surgeon.

Potential for Surgical Revision or Touch-up Procedures:

  • Unsatisfactory Results: In some cases, the initial outcome may not fully
  • Asymmetry: Asymmetry in the neck contour can occur, requiring additional sculpting to achieve a balanced appearance.

Strategies to Optimize Outcomes and Minimize Complications:

  • Choosing an Experienced Surgeon: Opting for a well-qualified surgeon or otolaryngologist with extensive experience in tracheal shaves significantly reduces the risk of complications.
  • Thorough Preoperative Consultation: Discussing your goals and expectations in detail with your surgeon allows for personalized planning and minimizes the chance of dissatisfaction with the outcome.
  • Adherence to Post-operative Instructions: Following your surgeon's recovery guidelines meticulously promotes optimal healing and minimizes the risk of complications like infection or excessive scarring.

By understanding the potential risks and complications associated with tracheal shave surgery, you can make informed decisions and choose the right surgeon to ensure a safe and successful outcome.

Tracheal Shave Results and Expectations:

Tracheal shave surgery aims to achieve a smoother, more feminine neck contour by reducing the prominence of the Adam's apple. Here's what you can expect regarding results and potential outcomes:

Typical Outcomes:

  • Softer Neck Contour: The primary outcome is a visibly smoother neck with a diminished Adam's apple, creating a more feminine or androgynous appearance.
  • Improved Body Image and Confidence: For many individuals, this transformation can significantly enhance self-confidence and body image congruence.

Importance of Clear Communication:

Clearly communicating your desired outcome to your surgeon during the consultation is crucial. This allows them to tailor the procedure to your specific goals and ensure realistic expectations.

Realistic Expectations:

  • Incomplete Elimination: It's important to understand that complete elimination of the Adam's apple is not always achievable. The extent of reduction depends on the size and shape of the thyroid cartilage and individual anatomy.
  • Swelling and Healing Time: Remember that swelling and bruising are common after surgery, and the final results may take several weeks or even months to fully emerge as swelling subsides.

Factors Impacting Individual Results:

  • Anatomy: The size and shape of your thyroid cartilage and surrounding tissues influence the outcome and the extent of achievable reduction.
  • Skin Quality: Good skin elasticity is crucial for optimal results and minimizing scar visibility.
  • Healing Process: Individual healing rates can affect the final outcome and the timeline for achieving desired results.

Potential for Complementary Procedures:

In some cases, complementary procedures like a lip lift or rhinoplasty can further enhance facial feminization and achieve a more balanced overall aesthetic. Discussing these options with your surgeon can help determine if they align with your desired outcome.

By setting realistic expectations, prioritizing clear communication with your surgeon, and understanding the factors influencing individual results, you can approach tracheal shave surgery with a clear understanding of what to expect and maximize your chances of achieving a successful and satisfying outcome.

Life After Tracheal Shave Surgery:

Tracheal shave surgery can be a transformative experience, not just physically but also emotionally. Here's how it can positively impact various aspects of life:

Emotional Impact and Renewed Sense of Gender Congruence:

For many individuals, particularly those experiencing gender dysphoria, a smoother neck contour achieved through tracheal shave surgery can significantly alleviate gender incongruence and contribute to a more aligned sense of self. This can lead to:

  • Reduced Gender Dysphoria: The physical transformation can lessen the internal conflict associated with gender dysphoria, leading to greater emotional well-being.
  • Increased Self-Acceptance: Embracing a physical appearance that better aligns with one's internal identity can foster greater self-acceptance and confidence.

Boost in Self-Confidence, Social Comfort and Overall Well-being:

The physical changes brought about by tracheal shave surgery can have a ripple effect on various aspects of life:

  • Enhanced Self-Confidence: Feeling more comfortable and confident in one's own skin can significantly boost self-esteem and social interactions.
  • Improved Social Comfort: A smoother neck contour can alleviate anxieties related to gender presentation, leading to greater comfort in social settings.
  • Overall Well-being: The combined effects of reduced dysphoria, increased confidence, and improved social comfort can contribute to a significant enhancement in overall well-being.

Positive Effects on Relationships, Social Life and Career:

Feeling more confident and comfortable in one's own skin can positively impact various aspects of life:

  • Strengthened Relationships: Improved self-confidence can lead to more fulfilling and authentic relationships with loved ones.
  • Enhanced Social Life: Feeling comfortable and confident in social settings can encourage greater participation in social activities and foster stronger connections.
  • Career Advancement: Increased confidence and self-assurance can translate into greater career success and professional fulfillment.

Connecting with Supportive Communities and Resources:

The transgender community offers a wealth of support and resources for individuals considering or undergoing tracheal shave surgery. Connecting with these communities can provide:

  • Emotional Support: Sharing experiences and connecting with others who understand the journey can offer invaluable emotional support.
  • Practical Guidance: Accessing resources and information from experienced individuals and organizations can provide valuable guidance throughout the process.

Ongoing Self-care, Sun Protection, and Personal Empowerment:

Following tracheal shave surgery, prioritizing self-care is crucial for optimal healing and maintaining long-term results:

  • Sun Protection: Diligent sun protection of the surgical area in the early post-operative period is essential to prevent scar darkening and discoloration.
  • Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle: Healthy eating habits and regular exercise can promote overall well-being and support the healing process.
  • Personal Empowerment: Embracing the physical transformation and celebrating one's authentic self is a continuous journey of personal empowerment.

Before & After Photos:

Tracheal shave surgery offers a transformative experience, and these before and after photos showcase the remarkable physical changes individuals can achieve. These photos reveal the journey from a chest that doesn't align with one's gender identity to a flat or contoured chest, reflecting a more masculine physique.


Tracheal Shave Potential Cost Breakdown:

The average cost for a tracheal shave procedure can range from $5,000 to $9,000 in your area. However, the final cost can vary depending on several factors:

Factors Influencing Total Costs:

  • Surgeon's Fees: The surgeon's expertise, reputation, and experience significantly impact the cost. Well qualified surgeons with extensive experience in facial feminization surgery may charge more than those with less specialization.
  • Facility Costs: Operating room fees at accredited hospitals or surgical centers can vary depending on location and facility overhead costs.
  • Anesthesia Fees: The cost of general anesthesia, typically used during tracheal shave surgery, is an additional expense.
  • Medical Tests: Preoperative medical tests, such as blood work or imaging, may add to the overall cost.

Insurance Coverage:

  • Limited Coverage: Tracheal shave surgery is often considered an elective or cosmetic procedure and is therefore the cost is not always covered. However, some insurance companies do cover the cost.
  • Advocating for Coverage: While uncommon, some insurance providers may offer coverage for gender affirmation surgeries, including tracheal shave, under specific circumstances. It's crucial to research your insurance plan and advocate for coverage if applicable.

Exploring Financing Options:

  • Payment Plans: Some surgical practices offer patient financing plans to help manage the cost of the procedure.
  • Medical Loans and Financing Companies: Medical loan options and financing companies specializing in healthcare costs can be explored to cover the expenses.

Discussing Payment Options:

Open communication with your surgeon's office regarding payment options and potential financing solutions is crucial. They can provide specific cost estimates based on your individual needs and discuss available payment plans or financing options.

Tracheal Shave Surgery Consultation: What to Expect

Ready to achieve a smoother, more feminine neck contour? Dr. Garg's practice offers FREE tracheal shave consultations to help you embark on your journey. Here's what you can expect:

Personalized Assessment:

Dr. Garg will meticulously examine your neck anatomy, delve into your desired outcomes and expectations, and assess your candidacy for tracheal shave surgery.

Exploring Surgical Options:

Together, you'll explore the potential surgical techniques available, such as open and closed tracheal shave procedures. Dr. Garg will guide you towards the approach that best aligns with your unique anatomy and goals.

Realistic Expectations and Open Communication:

Dr. Garg prioritizes open communication. He'll provide a realistic picture of what to expect, including potential risks, recovery time, and long-term results, while encouraging you to ask any questions freely.

Understanding Your Concerns:

Dr. Garg creates a safe space to openly discuss any anxieties or apprehensions you may have regarding the surgery. He will address your concerns honestly and provide reassurance throughout your journey.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Today!
Take the first step towards achieving your desired neck contour.
Contact us by calling +1 424-666-1260 or filling out our convenient online form.